Case Studies



Jeff Rolland

Every once in a while, an ISM Series graduate qualifies for certification simply through the process of the dialogue between us that creates a beautiful ISM clinical reasoning form, without following this with a written case report.

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David Emsley

Every once in a while, an ISM Series graduate qualifies for certification simply through the process of the dialogue between us that creates a beautiful ISM clinical reasoning form, without following this with a written case report.

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Allison Godley

Ms. O is a 31 year old female who is moderately active, eats well and sleeps well. She experiences pain after she has worked more than 4 hours or if she completes weighted upper body activities after not doing them for a while. Running also aggravates her symptoms.

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Lynn Orsak

Ms. A is a 33 year old female, who presented to clinic on January 10, 2023, reporting pain in her right “sit bone” with workouts. She describes the pain as “nervy”. This pain has been present, on and off, for many years (~10 years), and has worsened recently.

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Stuart Dixon

In September 2022, Mrs B presented to the clinic for an initial assessment and treatment. She chose to come to the clinic as she was an avid CrossFitter who was a former high level CrossFit master’s athlete. She mentioned it being difficult to find therapists over the years as they would often lecture her about the level and intensity of training she did at her age.

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Jo Abbott

Mr B. is a 52-year-old and has been a whole-time Firefighter and a part-time Personal Trainer for the Fire Service since 2005. In 2015, Mr B. first reported left shoulder and left-sided low back pain when wearing Breathing Apparatus (BA) Kit.

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Brittany Wade

Ms. C, a 67-year-old retiree, first presented to the clinic in early 2022. She is an equestrian who has competed internationally and has been training ever since she was a child. She competes specifically in dressage, a form of horseback riding that requires a harmonious demonstration of skills between the rider and the horse, while performing various gaits and movements (St George et al., 2022).

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Susannah Reid

Mrs W’s discomfort had been present in the left hip region for many years and worsened with walking, especially when taking longer steps. Mrs W was struck as a pedestrian at 16 years of age and this accident was very traumatic for her.

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Kate Niebrzydowska

Ms. Z is a 14 year old female, complaining of left foot medial arch pull and bilateral calf pain while performing sports activities. She experiences pain when she is doing “too much” exercises, especially lunges and push-ups.

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Courtney Boechler

Mrs. B, a 56-year-old yoga therapist. She reported that in January she began feeling hot and unwell while travelling aboard an airplane. She fainted and her left orbit struck the flight attendant’s cart. She suffered a concussion and a large contusion to the left side of her face.

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